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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. biblegateway.com Bible
2. nfl.com learned his lesson
3. twitter.com Jamil Smith
4. jackandjillpolitics.com J&J
5. theroot.com Root
6. jemelehill.com Jemele
7. talkingpointsmemo.com you
8. dailykos.com
9. theatlantic.com Ta-Nehisi Coates
10. salon.com Salon
11. thedailybeast.com Daily Beast
12. fivethirtyeight.com see
13. minnesotaindependent.com
14. time.com hold the center
15. state.mn.us
16. businessweek.com
17. tumblr.com "minority."
18. marshallindependent.com
19. blogger.com Invisible Man
20. motherbethel.org
21. msn.com
22. philly.com
23. readingeagle.com
24. statecollege.com
25. metro.us
26. cbslocal.com elected
27. post-gazette.com deficit
28. youtube.com
29. nytimes.com good point
30. aolnews.com
31. washingtonpost.com furious
32. whitehouse.gov online
33. nationaljournal.com
34. imdb.com
35. chron.com initial reaction
36. thehill.com
37. publicintegrity.org Vermont
38. bloomberg.com
39. phillymag.com
40. opencongress.org H.R. 3
41. aclu.org Hyde Amendment
42. feministe.us #DearJohn campaign
43. motherjones.com
44. pandagon.net already support
45. reference.com Rape is violence
46. thesmokinggun.com
47. wired.com Spencer Ackerman
48. defense.gov DoD podcast
49. people.com Snooki
50. cnn.com indeed
51. go.com
52. ajc.com kill Michael Vick
53. reentrypolicy.org we can't afford
54. amazon.com Luthor
55. google.com Metropolis
56. wikipedia.org natch
57. exploringtheuniverse.net he has a point
58. roubini.com
59. frumforum.com rhetoric
60. blogspot.com Al Filreis
61. joanhilty.net Joan Hilty
62. americanrhetoric.com I Have a Dream
63. thinkprogress.org ThinkProgress
64. dreamact.info DREAM Act
65. yahoo.com far from done
66. house.gov
67. newsweek.com
68. washingtonmonthly.com
69. bostonherald.com
70. al.com two paragraphs
71. urbandictionary.com help
72. nationalreview.com his latest
73. bet.com $ Out of 15 Cents
74. boondockstv.com "The Boondocks"
75. cleveland.com
76. mediaite.com Mediaite
77. raceproject.org This Week in Rac
78. near-death.com "Treason!" poster
79. northcentralconservatives.com
80. huffingtonpost.com Huffington Post
81. ourfuture.org This guy
82. usnews.com
83. commondreams.org support
84. texecutions.com Governor of Texas
85. usccb.org
86. whorunsgov.com WhoRunsGov
87. slate.com Slate
88. thechrismatthewsshow.com
89. clevelandbrowns.com Browns
90. mlb.com Indians
91. nba.com Cavaliers
92. swerbsblurbs.com Swerbs Blurbs
93. uniwatchblog.com Uni Watch
94. deadspin.com Deadspin
95. waitingfornextyear.com
96. culture11.com Culture11
97. prospect.org Ezra Klein
98. blogs.com Obsidian Wings
99. airamerica.com Air America
100. redroom.com Red Room
101. thecarpetbaggerreport.com
102. tnr.com New Republic
103. thenation.com The Nation
104. abcnews.com Jake Tapper
105. time-blog.com Swampland
106. thestartingfive.net The Starting Five
107. wordpress.com Angry Black Woman
108. oliverwillis.com Oliver Willis
109. balloon-juice.com John Cole
110. africanamericanpoliticalpundit.com
111. juancole.com Juan Cole
112. bobcesca.com Bob Cesca
113. cqpolitics.com David Corn
114. ruralvotes.com The Field
115. firedoglake.com Firedoglake
116. technorati.com
117. upenn.edu 1,369 lightbulbs
