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1. twitter.com
2. tinyurl.com
3. bit.ly bit.ly/WHgQE0
4. askamathematician.com
5. ordinary-gentlemen.com
6. measureofdoubt.com Measure of Doubt
7. whitecoatunderground.com
8. thedailybeast.com
9. tnr.com
10. nymag.com
11. slate.com
12. theatlantic.com
13. freethoughtblogs.com
14. newyorker.com New Yorker
15. nytimes.com
16. pandasthumb.org Panda’sThumb
17. scienceblogs.com Pharyngula
18. politico.com Politico
19. rationalwiki.com RationalWiki
20. salon.com
21. progressconservative.com The Big Stick
22. washingtonpost.com Washington Post
23. wonkette.com Wonkette
24. drudgereport.com Drudge
25. hotair.com
26. nationalreview.com NRO Corner
27. redstate.com RedState.com
28. hulu.com
29. npr.org
30. thisamericanlife.org This American Life
31. wordpress.com Cancel
32. alipac.us MinutemanCDC_SC
