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1. wordpress.com Cancel
2. planetatheism.com
3. richarddawkins.net
4. aljazeera.net Al Jazeera
5. alternet.org AlterNet Belief
6. billmoyers.com Bill Moyers
7. cultofdusty.com Cult of Dusty
8. democracynow.org Democracy Now!
9. newstatesman.com New Statesman
10. npr.org NPR
11. guardian.co.uk The Guardian
12. huffingtonpost.com
13. thenation.com The Nation
14. nybooks.com
15. thinkprogress.org Think Progress
16. truthdig.com truthdig
17. truth-out.org truthout
18. aclu.org
19. afge.org AFGE
20. afer.org
21. amnesty.org
22. banksy.co.uk Bansky
23. benjerry.com
24. codepink.org CODEPINK
25. fair.org FAIR
26. ffrf.org
27. hrc.org
28. innocenceproject.org Innocence Project
29. iheu.org
30. ippf.org
31. lambdalegal.org Lambda Legal
32. militaryatheists.org
33. naacp.org NAACP
34. prochoiceamerica.org
35. usanap.org
36. secularism.org.uk
37. normanfinkelstein.com
38. occupytogether.org Occupy Together
39. occupywallst.org Occupy Wall Street
40. pslweb.org
41. peta.org PETA
42. plannedparenthood.org Planned Parenthood
43. playingforchange.com Playing For Change
44. populationmatters.org Population Matters
45. raisetheriver.org Raise the River
46. revcom.us
47. saferchoice.org SAFERchoice.org
48. thestranger.com Savage Love
49. sierraclub.org Sierra Club
50. snapnetwork.org SNAP
51. splcenter.org
52. democracyctr.org
53. gp.org The Green Party
54. thenewcivilrightsmovement.com
55. reasonrally.org The Reason Rally
56. storyofstuff.org
57. waterdefense.org Water Defense
58. outcampaign.org
59. blogspot.com Left Hemispheres
60. au.org Americans United
61. foundationbeyondbelief.org
62. adbusters.org Adbusters
63. addictinginfo.org Addicting Info
64. atheists.org No God Blog
65. americanhumanist.org
66. about.com
67. atheismresource.com Atheism Resource
68. atheistalliance.org
69. atheistallianceamerica.org
70. atheistempire.com Atheist Empire
71. atheistmedia.com Atheist Media Blog
72. atheistrev.com Atheist Revolution
73. godlessgeeks.com
74. bbc.com BBC
75. bbc.co.uk
76. bigthink.com Big Think
77. humanism.org.uk
78. americanprogress.org
79. byliner.com
80. cpusa.org
81. cbo.gov
82. consortiumnews.com
83. secularhumanism.org
84. counterpunch.org CounterPunch
85. dailykos.com Daily Kos
86. demos.org Demos
87. spiegel.de
88. documentaryheaven.com Documentary Heaven
89. economicmobility.org
90. equalitymatters.org Equality Matters
91. evolvefish.com EvolveFISH
92. nytimes.com The Stone
93. fora.tv FORA.tv
94. freethoughtblogs.com
95. patheos.com Friendly Atheist
96. gallup.com Gallup
97. grittv.org
98. highbrowmagazine.com Highbrow Magazine
99. hrw.org Human Rights Watch
100. inthesetimes.com In These Times
101. isreview.org
102. skeptic.ca
103. kqed.org KQED
104. marxists.org
105. mediamatters.org
106. michaelmoore.com Michael Moore
107. mit.edu
108. monthlyreview.org Monthly Review
109. motherjones.com Mother Jones
110. moveon.org MoveOn.org
111. nasa.gov
112. nsf.gov
113. nationofchange.org NationofChange
114. newdeal20.org new deal 2.0
115. newhumanist.org.uk
116. newscientist.com New Scientist
117. pfaw.org
118. politicalcorrection.org
119. rdwolff.com
120. project-reason.org Project Reason
121. religiondispatches.org
122. reuters.com Reuters
123. rightwingwatch.org Right Wing Watch
124. ringoffireradio.com
125. rt.com RT (Russia Today)
126. samharris.org
127. scientificamerican.com
128. secular.org
129. secularnewsdaily.com Secular News Daily
130. sfgate.com SF Gate
131. skepticink.com
132. slate.com Slate Magazine
133. socialistworker.org
134. rollingstone.com Taibblog
135. ted.com TED.com
136. prospect.org
137. paper.li
138. scoop.it
139. clergyproject.org The Clergy Project
140. thedailybeast.com The Daily Beast
141. thedailyshow.com The Daily Show
142. freethinker.co.uk The Freethinker
143. msn.com The Maddow Blog
144. tnr.com The New Republic
145. newyorker.com The New Yorker
146. pewforum.org The Pew Forum
147. progressive.org The Progressive
148. rawstory.com The Raw Story
149. infidels.org The Secular Web
150. skeptic.com
151. telegraph.co.uk The Telegraph
152. washingtonpost.com
153. theweek.com The Week
154. theyoungturks.com The Young Turks
155. thefreedictionary.com TheFreeDictionary
156. talkingpointsmemo.com TPM
157. tribunemagazine.co.uk Tribune Magazine
158. truth-saves.com Truth-Saves
159. utne.com Utne
160. weareatheism.com We Are Atheism
161. whywontgodhealamputees.com
162. dictionary.com Word Dynamo
163. wsws.org
164. zcommunications.org Z Magazine
165. epistemelinks.com EpistemeLinks
166. freedomainradio.com Freedomain Radio
167. historyofphilosophy.net
168. utm.edu
169. philosophynews.com Philosophy News
170. secularbuddhism.org
171. stanford.edu
172. readtheprintedword.org
173. librarything.com Profile
174. amazon.com
175. youtube.com TPMtv
176. atheismtube.com Atheism Tube
177. maploco.com
178. flagcounter.com
