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1. feedburner.com FeedBurner
2. pr-impact.com pr-IMPACT
3. coloradoconfidential.org
4. mediamatters.org
5. coloradopols.com ColoradoPols.com
6. commondreams.org Common Dreams
7. crooksandliars.com Crooks and Liars
8. theatlantic.com
9. dailykos.com Daily Kos
10. blogspot.com Eschaton
11. factcheck.org FactCheck.org
12. firedoglake.com firedoglake
13. salon.com Glenn Greenwald
14. huffingtonpost.com Huffington Post
15. opednews.com OpEdNews.com
16. originalsignal.com originalsignal
17. politicswest.com
18. stampandshout.org Stamp & Shout
19. thehill.com The Hill
20. politico.com The Politico
21. rawstory.com therawstory
22. democraticunderground.com
23. beliefnet.com beliefnet
24. friendlyatheist.com
25. livescience.com
26. notjustatheory.com
27. religionfacts.com ReligionFacts
28. relijournal.com
29. skepticsannotatedbible.com
30. widgetbox.com
31. addthis.com
32. buzzfeed.com Via BuzzFeed
33. quantcast.com
