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1. twitter.com
2. facebook.com
3. arocha.org A Rocha
4. adbusters.org Adbusters
5. bookmooch.com Bookmooch
6. breathenetwork.org Breathe
7. celsias.com Celsias
8. blogspot.com Chris Blattman
9. foe.co.uk
10. oxfamblogs.org
11. globaldashboard.org Global Dashboard
12. inhabitat.com Inhabitat
13. progressio.org.uk Live Simply
14. lovefashionhatesweatshops.org
15. neweconomics.org
16. nextstarfish.com Next Starfish
17. permaculture-magazine.co.uk
18. postgrowth.org
19. steadystate.org Steadystate
20. theecologist.org The Ecologist
21. idler.co.uk The Idler
22. thesimplepastor.co.uk The Simple Pastor
23. thesolutionsjournal.com
24. transitionnetwork.org Transition Culture
25. blogdash.com
26. technorati.com
27. blogtopsites.com
28. blogflux.com
29. loadedweb.com
30. wikio.co.uk
31. adfreeblog.org
32. creativecommons.org
33. wordpress.com
