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1. arcus.org
2. washingtonpost.com
3. technorati.com Science
4. noaa.gov
5. columbia.edu EdGCM
6. climate.gov www.climate.gov
7. mashable.com
8. scientificamerican.com
9. guardian.co.uk
10. zvon.org
11. scienceblogs.com Stoat
12. accuweather.com
13. wordpress.com Climate Data Links
14. blogspot.com Robert Grumbine
15. bravenewclimate.com Brave New Climate
16. pewclimate.org C2ES
17. csmonitor.com
18. climatechangeeducation.org
19. climatecommunication.org
20. climatesciencewatch.org
21. climateark.org ClimateArk
22. climateconservative.org
23. climatedenial.org Climatedenial.org
24. climateprogress.org ClimateProgress
25. climatesight.org ClimateSight
26. cejournal.net
27. deepclimate.org Deep Climate
28. desmogblog.com deSmogBlog
29. nytimes.com DotEarth
30. discovery.com
31. effetsdeterre.fr
32. monbiot.com George Monbiot
33. google.com globalchange
34. grist.org
35. hot-topic.co.nz Hot Topic
36. weatherunderground.com
37. inkstain.net John Fleck
38. mariboblog.com Maribo
39. marklynas.org Mark Lynas
40. typepad.com
41. planet3.org Planet 3.0
42. scienceblogs.de PrimaKlima (DE)
43. realclimateeconomics.org
44. rep.org
45. psu.edu
46. mit.edu
47. scidev.net SciDev.Net
48. scitizen.com Scitizen
49. skepticalscience.com SkepticalScience
50. stanford.edu Stephen Schneider
51. thebenshi.com The Benshi
52. carbonbrief.org The Carbon Brief
53. theclimateproject.org
54. laymans-guide.com
55. heatisonline.org The Heat is Online
56. weather.com
57. sciencefriday.com
58. worldviewofglobalwarming.org
59. yaleclimatemediaforum.org
60. aip.org
61. ametsoc.org AMS Env. Science
62. centralcoastclimatescience.org
63. ox.ac.uk
64. climateprediction.net
65. epa.gov EPA Climate Change
66. mpg.de ESPERE
67. jussieu.fr
68. ipccfacts.org IPCC Facts
69. ipcc.ch IPCC Reports
70. uvic.ca
71. pages-igbp.org PAGES
72. environmentalhealthnews.org PodClimate
73. sciam.com
74. ucsd.edu
75. wmo.int WMO
76. w3.org Valid XHTML
77. sitemeter.com
78. wordpress.org WordPress
